James says, “. . .faith without works is dead.” (2:26) A scant reading of this passage seems to indicate that a person needs to have great works in order to be saved. In verse 14 James seems to indicate that works is needed to be saved. Yet, in reading this verse we need to understand the context it is written in and the examples he uses. There are two examples that James uses to illustrate his thesis, “faith without works is dead.” He uses the illustrations or accounts of Abraham and Rahab. He tells how Abraham was justified by offering Isaac as a sacrifice (God was testing Abraham) as God had directed him to. He tells how Rahab hid the spies who had come to spy out the land. Both illustrations show the substance of what James is saying. In essence, to paraphrase James, “faith without obeying God is dead.” To simply say, “I have faith in God,” is lifeless without the accompanying life of dedication and obedience to the Lord.
James was not suggesting that a person is saved only by doing good works. A person may give millions of dollars to charity, attend church services, do benevolent work (all commendable) and, yet, not be saved. James is simply saying if a person has faith there will be works. He says, “I will shew thee my faith by my works.” (2:18) He further says that those who have faith should reach out to those who are in need. (2:15-16) If a person has genuine faith there will ba a giving spirit. It has been said, “You can give without love, but you can’t love without giving.” So, if a person has genuine faith and there is one in need, there will be works of giving because there is faith. Yet, works alone will not save a person. Will faith alone save a person?
Certainly, there are those who have been saved on their death beds. Therefore, it is not Scriptural to say that a person cannot be saved without doing some works. One thief on the cross next to Jesus was saved just a very short time before he died. Did he have works? Well, he did defend the Lord Jesus to the other thief, which is a type of works. That was before he asked the Lord to remember him when He came into His kingdom. Jesus then welcomed the forgiven theif into paradise with Him. Perhaps this forgiven thief was bringing forth fruit for repentance. (Matthew 3:8)
Following Christ means there will be works of obedience. It is a joy to follow Him and obey Him.
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