Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today's Scripture

Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marvelled at him.

Yes it is tax day in the United States. Even Christ was not against "rendering unto the government what belongs to the government." Even though we are citizens of a heavenly city, we understand that we are to "render our tribute (taxes) to the government." We understand that many want the government to provide everything without putting in anything. The times we are in seem to beg the question. What is coming down the pike in our federal government?

We live in unsettled times with many running to the government to get everything they think they need. The "work ethic" of our parents and grandparents seems to be going "down the tubes" with so many thinking they are entitled to unending services and sustenance.

So here we are in 2009 with people in many cities going out to the "Tea Party" of our day. The Republic that has taken over 200 years to build is being challenged by socialism (equal everything for everyone - which is unreasonable). Here is an example I read the other day.

A professor told the class, "We are going to be socialist in this class. Everyone will get the same grade. We will take all the grades and average them and give everyone the same grade." The experiment went well on the first test. There were some A's, B's, C's, D's and of course some F's. The average came out to a B- for everyone. Those with grades lower than B- were delighted but those with grades higher were, to say the least, very upset. The next test the over all grades were lower since those who had studied hard the first time to make higher grades thought, "O well, since we all get the same grade why should I work as hard this time. The next time the grades were lower. Finally, at the end of the semester everyone had an average of D-. Since everyone agreed to the experiment the professor said, "Now does everyone want to continue with the socialist system or do we go back to working for whatever you work to get." Needless to say, the vote was to return to the "work ethic."

Don't misunderstand, this is not to say that we should not care for the poor and those who need help but it should not be a continued entitlement system based on just being a citizen of the country - no matter what. The "pie in the sky" ideology of everyone will get everything they always need all the time, whenever they need it is absolutely impossible. Someone has to work. Someone has to break the soil, plant the seed, tend the crop, harvest the crop, get the crop ready for the kitchen, prepare the meal. Eating does not come without work by somebody.

So pay your taxes and be happy about it but don't sit idly by thinking that you need not get involved in what is happening in our country. Nothing is absolutely free in the physical, temporal realm. Somebody had to work for it. Somebody had to put forth effort.

By the way, salvation is free to those who come, repenting, believing and asking. But it cost dearly. It cost God His only begotten Son. It cost Jesus total commitment and giving of His life freely. It will cost you too. You are entitled to salvation through Christ's sacrifice - by simply confessing that you are a sinner and asking Christ to save you but it will cost you your life if you are to follow Him as Lord. What about it?

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