Thursday, March 20, 2014


One of our post-mission trip goals was/is to share our trip with as many churches as possible.  Karen and I have made ourselves available to share our trip on Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings.

Our purpose in these presentations is to encourage and empower churches to become more involved in missions in their local communities and in giving to missions for struggling countries and nations.  The main thrust is to be involved in the declaration Jesus made as recorded in Matthew 24:14, "...this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

We have shared our trip and ministry with four churches in the COGOP - Waverly, Ashland City, Baggetts Chapel (Cunningham, TN) and The Rock in Big Sandy, TN.  We are scheduled for one more, Crossroads COGOP in White Bluff, TN.  Two other pastors are working on getting a time scheduled.  We have openings and will schedule those who desire us to come.  We are doing this to help countries with various needs.  We have videos and pictures that go with our presentation.  If your church is interested message me on FB or call 615-732-4614.