Tuesday, April 28, 2015

ALL Have Sinned and Come Short of the Glory of God

As a pastor, I want to speak to the issue of same sex marriage.

First, the Bible shows that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23) Let me repeat. ALL, that leaves no one out.  Sin is sin no matter what the sin is - lying, stealing, cheating, murder, gossip, backbiting, adultery, lustful adultery in your heart, fornication, rioting, violence, greed, avarice, gluttony, sorcery, pride, self-righteousness, idolatry, boasting, dissension, drunkenness, enmity, envying, covetousness, jealousy, division, carousing, divorce, and, yes, homosexuality is sin.  The ultimate and final consequences of unrepentant sin is death, eternal separation from God the Creator and joining the devil and his angels in everlasting punishment, and torment in hell.  Some sins may have greater negative consequences in the here and now but ultimately and finally sin will cause total everlasting separation from God.

The gift of God is eternal life.  Eternal life, (salvation from sin) comes by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.  (Ephesians 2:8)  Those who have been saved by grace, have been forgiven of any and ALL sin or sins.  Sin is deceitful and destructive and cannot be overcome by mental capability, mental resolutions, or some type of formula.  Only God can save and He has chosen to save ALL those who believe in His Son and His finished work on the cross and His resurrection from the tomb.  God, our Heavenly Father, gave His Son because He so loved ALL people of the world and did not send His Son to condemn the people of the world but to save ALL the people of the world.  The Bible says God is not willing for any to perish but for ALL to come to repentance.  (2 Peter 3:9)  Repentance comes because of the goodness, forbearance and longsuffering of God toward ALL sinners and is available to ALL. (Romans 2:4)  Repentance is a changing of the mind and heart and a turning of the sinner from sin and turning toward God to be forgiven and delivered from the sinning nature and the sin in their lives to be transformed into a new creation by God through the finished work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Now, let me speak personal experience.  My wife and I served as pastor where a homosexual attended.  I spent hours counseling and praying with this person and knew that this person had a belief in Christ and wanted to be a follower of Christ.  Yet, because the person continued with the lifestyle of being with another person of the same gender, this person continued to be away from God and would be away form the church for weeks at a time until the person would come back and go through the same routine again of praying and seeking for counseling.  Now, I do not mean to say, in any way, that the homosexual lifestyle cannot be changed because it can.  Further, I am in no way saying those who practice homosexuality cannot be saved.  The Bible shows that some in the Corinthian church were in that lifestyle but they were cleansed, sanctified, justified and transformed into the kingdom of God. (1 Cor. 6:9-11) But this person would ask for prayer and we would pray with the person for an hour or more at a time and counsel with the person many times.  However, this person would go back to the same lifestyle.  My wife and I served this church for several years and the last we heard this person is still living the lifestyle of being with another person of the same sex, living in the same house and being involved with the person of the same sex.  I continue to pray for this person and hope this person will give their life over to Christ and leave the homosexual lifestyle.  I respect this person as a human but the lifestyle this person lived and/or is living is sin and will ultimately bring this person to total, everlasting separation from God if the person does not repent, live a life of repentance and live a transformed life of holiness for God.

Now let me address the national issue.  Our nation is being bombarded by the homosexual segment of society and the same sex marriage segment of society.  Of course, we know the Bible speaks of this being part of the signs of the last days before Christ returns to the earth to reign for a thousand years.  (Luke 17:20-30)  In years past these segments of society did not press for public acceptance, much less the approval, that these are now seeking.  Now, these segments of society are seeking approval through lawsuits and court proceedings.  Today (04/28/2015), the Supreme Court of the United States is hearing proceedings from the same sex segment of society.  Lines have been drawn, people are gathered to protest and show support for same sex marriage and for one man, one woman marriage.  The decision will be made by nine Supreme Court Justices and is supposed to be made public by the end of June 2015.  It is a critical decision for this nation because the decision will depict the United States either as a nation who fears God and His Word or fears the desires of those who would force their beliefs on a nation that was founded on the Bible and Judeo-Christian values.  Several states are being challenged for the decision of not allowing same sex marriage and the same sex marriage segment wants their marriages to be approved in the whole nation and to be recognized nationally from state to state.  Our nation is being challenged as a free republic (one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all) and many are wanting the United State to be a socialistic entity ruled and reigned by a supreme earthly government.

Let me offer my belief about this issue.  If this passes for same sex marriage nationally the next step could very well be seeking laws to force pastors, minister, justices of the peace and any who officiate a marriage ceremony, to marry same-sex partners and laws for churches to allow them to be church members and to be actively involved in the ministries of the local churches.  Those who refuse will be charged with a crime and will face court proceedings and jail time.  We are already seeing people with businesses being sued for not serving those who come to them for services because of their religious beliefs. (e.g., the bakery that refused to serve a same sex marriage).  Those who stay firm in their commitment to God, Christ and His word will, at some point, have to close church doors and live their lives underground in secret.  These trends toward a supreme earthly government will likely come sooner than many want to accept but the coming of the Messiah brings those trends faster and faster.  As we approach His coming, these trends will pressure Christians that will bring and launch a last days revival.  Many will be persecuted, emotionally and physically but revival will flourish as the gospel goes forward with power and glory.

Yes, we are in perilous times but we are also in glorious times as well and the words of Jesus will be fulfilled - this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matthew 24:14)  The glorious, powerful gospel of Jesus Christ is for ALL who will heed the message.  I pray the supreme court makes the decision to allow the states to keep their decision on one man-one woman marriage but if not, those who will stay the course and stand true to the Bible and the glorious message of Jesus Christ will end in victory.  God loves ALL sinners, no matter what lifestyle of sin or any other sin a person is in or being acted out by any person and those who come to Jesus, believe in their hearts, repent and turn from sin and confess with their mouth can be saved, and transformed (changed inside and out) into the kingdom of God.  HALLELUJAH TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

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