Tuesday, April 28, 2015

ALL Have Sinned and Come Short of the Glory of God

As a pastor, I want to speak to the issue of same sex marriage.

First, the Bible shows that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23) Let me repeat. ALL, that leaves no one out.  Sin is sin no matter what the sin is - lying, stealing, cheating, murder, gossip, backbiting, adultery, lustful adultery in your heart, fornication, rioting, violence, greed, avarice, gluttony, sorcery, pride, self-righteousness, idolatry, boasting, dissension, drunkenness, enmity, envying, covetousness, jealousy, division, carousing, divorce, and, yes, homosexuality is sin.  The ultimate and final consequences of unrepentant sin is death, eternal separation from God the Creator and joining the devil and his angels in everlasting punishment, and torment in hell.  Some sins may have greater negative consequences in the here and now but ultimately and finally sin will cause total everlasting separation from God.

The gift of God is eternal life.  Eternal life, (salvation from sin) comes by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.  (Ephesians 2:8)  Those who have been saved by grace, have been forgiven of any and ALL sin or sins.  Sin is deceitful and destructive and cannot be overcome by mental capability, mental resolutions, or some type of formula.  Only God can save and He has chosen to save ALL those who believe in His Son and His finished work on the cross and His resurrection from the tomb.  God, our Heavenly Father, gave His Son because He so loved ALL people of the world and did not send His Son to condemn the people of the world but to save ALL the people of the world.  The Bible says God is not willing for any to perish but for ALL to come to repentance.  (2 Peter 3:9)  Repentance comes because of the goodness, forbearance and longsuffering of God toward ALL sinners and is available to ALL. (Romans 2:4)  Repentance is a changing of the mind and heart and a turning of the sinner from sin and turning toward God to be forgiven and delivered from the sinning nature and the sin in their lives to be transformed into a new creation by God through the finished work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Now, let me speak personal experience.  My wife and I served as pastor where a homosexual attended.  I spent hours counseling and praying with this person and knew that this person had a belief in Christ and wanted to be a follower of Christ.  Yet, because the person continued with the lifestyle of being with another person of the same gender, this person continued to be away from God and would be away form the church for weeks at a time until the person would come back and go through the same routine again of praying and seeking for counseling.  Now, I do not mean to say, in any way, that the homosexual lifestyle cannot be changed because it can.  Further, I am in no way saying those who practice homosexuality cannot be saved.  The Bible shows that some in the Corinthian church were in that lifestyle but they were cleansed, sanctified, justified and transformed into the kingdom of God. (1 Cor. 6:9-11) But this person would ask for prayer and we would pray with the person for an hour or more at a time and counsel with the person many times.  However, this person would go back to the same lifestyle.  My wife and I served this church for several years and the last we heard this person is still living the lifestyle of being with another person of the same sex, living in the same house and being involved with the person of the same sex.  I continue to pray for this person and hope this person will give their life over to Christ and leave the homosexual lifestyle.  I respect this person as a human but the lifestyle this person lived and/or is living is sin and will ultimately bring this person to total, everlasting separation from God if the person does not repent, live a life of repentance and live a transformed life of holiness for God.

Now let me address the national issue.  Our nation is being bombarded by the homosexual segment of society and the same sex marriage segment of society.  Of course, we know the Bible speaks of this being part of the signs of the last days before Christ returns to the earth to reign for a thousand years.  (Luke 17:20-30)  In years past these segments of society did not press for public acceptance, much less the approval, that these are now seeking.  Now, these segments of society are seeking approval through lawsuits and court proceedings.  Today (04/28/2015), the Supreme Court of the United States is hearing proceedings from the same sex segment of society.  Lines have been drawn, people are gathered to protest and show support for same sex marriage and for one man, one woman marriage.  The decision will be made by nine Supreme Court Justices and is supposed to be made public by the end of June 2015.  It is a critical decision for this nation because the decision will depict the United States either as a nation who fears God and His Word or fears the desires of those who would force their beliefs on a nation that was founded on the Bible and Judeo-Christian values.  Several states are being challenged for the decision of not allowing same sex marriage and the same sex marriage segment wants their marriages to be approved in the whole nation and to be recognized nationally from state to state.  Our nation is being challenged as a free republic (one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all) and many are wanting the United State to be a socialistic entity ruled and reigned by a supreme earthly government.

Let me offer my belief about this issue.  If this passes for same sex marriage nationally the next step could very well be seeking laws to force pastors, minister, justices of the peace and any who officiate a marriage ceremony, to marry same-sex partners and laws for churches to allow them to be church members and to be actively involved in the ministries of the local churches.  Those who refuse will be charged with a crime and will face court proceedings and jail time.  We are already seeing people with businesses being sued for not serving those who come to them for services because of their religious beliefs. (e.g., the bakery that refused to serve a same sex marriage).  Those who stay firm in their commitment to God, Christ and His word will, at some point, have to close church doors and live their lives underground in secret.  These trends toward a supreme earthly government will likely come sooner than many want to accept but the coming of the Messiah brings those trends faster and faster.  As we approach His coming, these trends will pressure Christians that will bring and launch a last days revival.  Many will be persecuted, emotionally and physically but revival will flourish as the gospel goes forward with power and glory.

Yes, we are in perilous times but we are also in glorious times as well and the words of Jesus will be fulfilled - this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matthew 24:14)  The glorious, powerful gospel of Jesus Christ is for ALL who will heed the message.  I pray the supreme court makes the decision to allow the states to keep their decision on one man-one woman marriage but if not, those who will stay the course and stand true to the Bible and the glorious message of Jesus Christ will end in victory.  God loves ALL sinners, no matter what lifestyle of sin or any other sin a person is in or being acted out by any person and those who come to Jesus, believe in their hearts, repent and turn from sin and confess with their mouth can be saved, and transformed (changed inside and out) into the kingdom of God.  HALLELUJAH TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

Monday, April 20, 2015


WAVERLY Church of God of Prophecy (COGOP) will host a two hour Children and Family Outreach Training Session with TN COGOP State Children's Ministries Director, Kim Batson, Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 10 am to 12 noon.  Sister Kim has traveled extensively in TN and other nations training children's ministers and workers.

An offering will be received for Sister Kim.

Lunch will be served by the church at no cost.

We are praying, planning and preparing for this time.

All are welcome.

When we look at the staggering statistics of how babies and children are valued in some societies in history it makes one cringe.  According to one site almost 58 million babies have been aborted in the United State since Roe v Wade in 1973 and the same site reports that over 1 billion 300 million have been aborted since 1980 throughout the world. 

Also, many children who have come into this world have been abused in various ways.

CHILDREN are dependent on adults for care, training, security and protection.  Sadly, children have been neglected, and have been emotionally and physically abused in many ways.  The statistics are staggering.  According to one online site 40 million children are subjected to abuse worldwide each year.  In the US, this same site also reported that 78% of all child abuse is from neglect.  This site also lists some other sobering statistics.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


WHAT:  Children and Family Community Outreach Training
WHERE:  Waverly Church of God of Prophecy, 807 Powers Blvd, Waverly, TN 37185
WHEN: Sunday, April 26, 10 am to 12 noon
WHO:  Kim Batson, TN Church of God of Prophecy, Children Ministry Director
CHARGE: NO CHARGE, an offering will be received for Sister Kim

PASTORS: If you have someone that you can release for this Sunday to get this specific training, it will be a means of equipping them for reaching children and families in your community.

Lunch will be provided by the church after the training at no cost.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Recently, I watched a couple programs on a TV channel (JUICE) on Sunday morning February 22, 2015 while not in church because of inclement weather.  One was the Ramp (Karen Wheaton is the Lead person in this movement) with many young people and a young preacher who was preaching zealously and joyously.  The other program was Amplify with a worship team including Darlene Zschech and Israel Houghton.  The worship team was involved zealously and joyously singing and proclaiming that Jesus would drive back the darkness and bring healing, light and salvation.  The audience of about 500-600 young people in each meeting were actively involved zealously and joyously rejoicing and worshipping the Lord.  I watched intently and somewhat convicted as the young preacher on The Ramp zeroed in on zealously and joyously preaching Christ while the young people watched and rejoiced exuberantly.  As I listened, I found myself being fed by this young preacher who brought out many examples in the Old Testament and paralleled them typifying Christ and His better and complete work.  He referred to Hebrews several times in his message.  At some point during the preaching and worship, I looked over at my wife and said, "I remember some times of zealous and joyous preaching and worship."  She nodded and replied, "Yes, I enjoy those times."  I asked myself the question, "Where is the zeal and joy of the Lord today?"

I was blessed as I continued to watch the young preacher and worshippers and began to reminisce about some days gone by in my youth at my home church of how we rejoiced zealously and joyously.  I also reminisced of a trip I made to Uganda, Africa in January 2014 and the Church of God of Prophecy National Convention.  The people there were and are so zealous and full of joy.  They were then and are not now well off with this worlds material goods.  They live in meager dwellings and eat day by day mostly on what they grow.  They have few of the so called modern day conveniences and most have no running water and electricity but their relationship with the Lord is one of zeal and joy.  Now I am not presuming that the zeal and joy of the Lord are produced because a person is poor, uneducated or ignorant.  Yet, I realize that there are things and stuff that can stifle the zeal and joy of the the Lord in a person's life.  Jesus gave one illustrative example (Luke 8:14) that can stifle His zeal and His joy to produce His life and fruitfulness in ours.  So, my question is simply, "where is the zeal and joy of the Lord?"  

I firmly believe we need the zeal and joy of the Lord in our daily lives.  When there is a passion for God and His work there will be the zeal and joy of the Lord to fulfill it.  Jesus had passion for His Father's will and the zeal to perform what His Father desired.  He had a zeal for the house of God and desired God's house to be a house of prayer so much until he went in and drove out profiteers with a small scourge or whip like instrument.  He turned over the tables and declared, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves (Matt. 21:12-14).  His Father's will was His desire and He knew that the Father desired the house of God to be a house of prayer.  Where is the zeal and joy of the Lord today?

Jesus went through agony and suffering but His outlook was one of joy throughout the shame of a horrible beating, humiliating treatment and crucifixion.  He focused on His Father's present will and to the future.  He saw those who would be saved and delivered from the throes of sin.  The joy set before Him was enlarged far beyond the shame and suffering he endured on the cross (Hebrews 12:2).  As we serve, worship and love the Lord and His will in our lives there is a zeal and joy which motivates and moves us into action.  Where is the zeal and joy in the Lord?  It is in Him, Christ our Redeemer, Deliverer and Savior.  Our relationship with Him brings a passion that produces a zeal to love and serve him and the joy comes as He abides in us, us in Him and we walk in His will. 

Jesus was the supreme example in portraying the zeal and joy of the Lord.   It was the occasion when he went into the temple after making a scourge of small cords and driving out the money changers that the "disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up (John 2:15-18).  The zeal that moved Jesus was not emotional existentialistic emptiness and ignorance.  The zeal of the Lord of Hosts that Isaiah prophesied of gripped Him to move in the presence and power of God.  When the Holy Spirit fell on and empowered the 120 in the upper room, the zeal and joy of the Lord was evident and prevalent.  The Apostle Peter preached Christ and His resurrection with power and thousands were saved and added to the church.  Could that same zeal and joy grip us today to move in the will of the Father and in the work that Jesus, the apostles, early fathers and our modern-day fathers have left for us in these last days.  I say, YES!

YES!  Dear Lord, may the zeal and joy that gripped and engulfed Jesus and the Apostles, grip and engulf us today to fulfill your work.  May the the power of the Holy Spirit come upon us and in us until we are willing and obedient to drive out the hindering spirits that would cramp the move of God's power in our midst.  May our churches be houses of prayer seeking the zeal and joy that moves us out in our communities to people who need the Redeemer, the Deliverer, the Savior.   Dear Heavenly Father, let your zeal and joy flow in us, through us and out from us to perform your will and desires in our lives.  Amen!