God blessed and moved mightily among us during our four scheduled revival services with *Evangelist John Cox of Manchester, Tennessee. We knew God had something great in store because our adversary, the devil, began working hard to stop this revival. As our evangelist was on his way to the first night of revival he called to tell us he was very sick and was on the side of the interstate throwing up. He said, "I'm pushing on Brother Gordon, but I don't know if I'll be there on time or make it there." We joined in prayer for him. He arrived on time and God did a healing work in his body until the last night of revival he stated, "I am am really feeling great tonight." We were all feeling great as He preached last evening's message that in part stated, "God has the final word." Our souls and spirits were challenged and uplifted to stand for the right regardless of threats and demands of the devil, politically correct ideologies and the devil's schemes to kill God's faith in us - God has the final word. He preached four powerful and pertinent messages for our day and time - timely truths from God's Holy Word. Our faith was built up, people were touched mightily by the presence of the Master. The Holy Spirit anointed and God met needs.

We were also blessed on the last night by Pastor and Area Presbyter Gary Riley being with us and, by Sister Lisa Zimdars and the praise team from Crossroads COGOP from White Bluff. What powerful praise and worship was offered. We were glad to welcome Pastor Chris Bohanon and wife Melissa and some of the people from Zion Hill COGOP.
*I want to personally recommend Brother John Cox to any pastor who needs someone to preach when you are away or to use as an evangelist for revivals or any other scheduled services. He preaches the truth of God's word with anointing and loves the Lord. He has served as pastor in several (5) churches, with two sanctuaries being built under his tenure. You can reach him at 931-247-6869
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