Sunday, November 10, 2013

Journey To Africa...

I am writing this post to offer information and to ask for prayer and support.  I have been invited to participate in the Church of God of Prophecy National Convention in Jinja, Uganda.

A few years ago we had a special guest in our parsonage home for about twelve days.  Bishop Ntezimana James, National Overseer of Uganda, Africa, visited with us after the General Assembly.  He shared much about his nation, the people there and how the Church of God of Prophecy is growing as people are being born again into the kingdom of God and being added to the church.  It was during this time that Bishop James and myself developed a good friendship.  He preached a few times at the Huntingdon, TN COGOP where I was pastor at the time.  I transported him around Tennessee to several churches where he ministered before I took him to Nashville to board his flight to Uganda.  We have seen each other a few times in General Assemblies since around 2006 (if I remember correctly) and communicated on Facebook at irregular times over the past few years as often as possible since he has to use an Internet cafe for messaging.  At various times over the past 6-7 years Bishop James has asked me to come visit and minister sometime there in Uganda and I have passed it off as his way of showing kindness to me.  He has asked several times and I have told him that it would be better to have someone else come.  A few weeks ago he asked me again to come and speak in the Uganda, COGOP National Convention.  At first, I thought, well, here we go again, I will kindly say thank you for the invitation and suggest that he contact someone else.  Then, I thought, I need to pray about this and told him I would pray and give him an answer.  After praying about this and briefly speaking to a couple trusted friends, I believe it is the Lord's will for me to go.  There is another twist to this that I will share here later.

Now, I am in the process of getting whatever is needed to make the journey.  This is totally new to me and I am open for advise, suggestions and pointers from those who have made these types of journeys.  I have a passport and need to get a visa.  The the best plane ticket, round trip, on Delta is about $1500.00 for one person.  I stress best, since it will get us there in about 30 hours with a couple layovers.  Other flights are two or three days with all night layovers.  I also plan to take an offering to the church in Uganda for furthering the work there.  If you would like to give, mail it to the Church of God of Prophecy, State Office, P.O. Box 2319, Hendersonville, TN 37077-2319.  The state office is best for the accounting of the funds since there is an independent audit each year.  Bishop McKinley has agreed to do this and we are thankful.  Also, if you wish to help us with our expenses on the trip, earmark it for trip expense.  Please don't leave it blank.  Put either for the trip expense or for the offering for Uganda.

LET ME BE CLEAR, Bishop James has never asked for any type of offering or funds in any of our conversations or messages.  The only thing he has ever asked me for is a text book that he needed in studying leadership development.  I tried to get it to him through Amazon but was unable to because of transport issues.  I am boosting an offering for the work there on my own volition and asking God to help us with this grace also.  Bishop James and the ministers there are working to reach new people and establish new churches.  Here is part of a message he sent me this past January...."Here God has started blessing us with New field work. I opened one new church in Kisoro on 1st Jan.2013 and on sunday 6th i opened the 2nd one in Dokolo Town. what a blessing."

Now for the twist to this trip that I mentioned earlier.  My wife spoke to her principal briefly about me going to minister in Africa and what possibilities it would be for her to go with me.  He was very positive about it and even encouraged her to go.  She has some professional development days and is going to speak with the Human Resources department about going with me.  In the next few days she will be working on this and we ask for prayer that it go according to God's will for her as well as for me.  We believe God has this in His hands and we go simply to lift up Jesus, share the gospel, and build His kingdom as members and ministers in the Church of God of Prophecy.

We ask for prayer from those who will pray and support from any who believe God would have you to be a part of this journey financially.  We have accepted the invitation with the understanding that we, personally, must count the cost and want to abound in this grace also.  It is not a vacation or sightseeing trip, although, we plan and hope to enjoy the trip and see some sights along the way.  It is a journey to minister for God, His glory and to minister to the people there.  I am insufficient and inadequate to minister there but God is all-sufficient and Jesus has promised that the Holy Spirit will guide, empower and anoint.  With continued prayer and preparation we will, by God's grace, make the journey, minister to the people, send and bring news back to share with others.  We seek the Lord's guidance and wisdom in all of this. 

POST-SCRIPT: Karen has been able to work out the time to be off through her principal and her main office.  At this point it is a go for her to be with me.  PTL!  

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