Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Have You Been With Jesus

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

This is a surprising statement by the Jewish religious leaders. The ones who had fought so hard against Christ and had him tried and crucified now recognize something bold and courageous about these "unlearned" Galilean lower class fishermen. These Galileans who had seen many miracles and wonders performed by Jesus but could not tarry and pray with Him in the garden. Further, had denied Him at His trial and abandoned Him at the cross (John did come back). Now in spite of threats, persecution, imprisonment and pending death they courageously and boldly proclaim their Messiah, Jesus Christ. What was the difference maker?

Let me share the difference maker. Jesus had told them on several ocassions that He would be tried, crucified and would die for all people. But there was something more and these disciples did not fully grasp the thrust of it until after it happened. That's right - HE AROSE FROM THE TOMB!!! You see there is something powerful in the words of these religious leaders that are powerful today. Though these religious leaders may not have known fully what they were saying, they realized these lowly Galileans had a boldness which was from Jesus and it was not the crucified body, it was the RESURRECTED Christ in His resurrected body. Thomas had felt the scars in His hands and had put his hands in His speared side. Thomas cried, "My Lord, and my God!" YES, they had surely been with the RESURRECTED CHRIST!

Have you been with the resurrected Jesus? The resurrected authority and power of Christ is real and available to all His disciples. The courage and boldness quickens is today to be powerful witnesses in our daily lives. HE IS ALIVE! He is sitting at the right hand of His Father making intercession for His Children. He continually says, "All power is given unto me in heaven and earth, go ye, therefore into all the world and preach the gospel to all people and, lo, I am with into the ends of the earth and always." (paraphrase mine) Have you been with Jesus? Get with the resurrected Jesus Christ!! HE IS ALIVE FOREVER MORE AND HAS THE KEYS TO DEATH, HELL AND THE GRAVE!! HALLELUJAH!! HOSANNAH!! KING OF KINGS!!

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