Each Sunday we will receive guest speakers who have labored in the vision and mission ministry of Christ in some capacity throughout the world. The first Sunday in October ( 5th), Jay Johnson, is scheduled to be the guest speaker. He serves in Tennessee COGOP youth camp ministries and has served in training ministries for Camp Hickory Hills for several years. He is one of the four team members who will direct Senior Camp for 2015. He has spearheaded and led groups of youth to missions ministry in Quito, Ecuador. He serves in ministry in his local church (Curtis Hill) near Bethel Springs, TN.
The second Sunday (October 12th), Bishop Gary Riley, Area Presbyter of 3 districts in Middle, TN with 19 churches, is scheduled to be the guest speaker. He has served as new field worker and assistant pastor in Central Oregon in the mid 1980s. He served as new field worker and assistant pastor in North Central, Texas from 1986-1988 before becoming pastor of East Texas from 1988-1991. He then served pastorates of Baggetts Chapel COGOP in TN for 10 years and two years at Gallatin COGOP and is now in his 12th year as pastor of Crossroads COGOP in White Bluff, TN.
The third Sunday (October 19th), Bishop E. C. McKinley, State Overseer of TN COGOP is scheduled to be the guest speaker. He has served as pastor in Indiana, Kingsport and Colombia Tennessee for over 15 years total and State Overseer of Northwest Territory, Heartland Territory and Tennessee COGOP. Bishop McKinley has traveled on several mission venues including Ukraine and Russia. He has also served on state, national and international committees.
The fourth Sunday (October 26th), Stephen James, is scheduled to be the guest speaker. Stephen attends The Well church (formerly Galilean Outreach Worship Center) near Waverly and I-40 West. He has traveled to Africa in ministry and graduated from Bible College in Florida. He is the grandson of David and Peggy Stephenson, members of the Waverly COGOP.
It is our prayer that Waverly COGOP, a small in number congregation, will see a great effort in raising and receiving funds for the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ in all the world in the month of October and each Second Sunday of every month. There are many needs in the Global Missions Ministries and Harvest Partners throughout the world. We also desire to reach out in our local community. Prayers are going up for the mission of Christ all over the world.