There are many articles, news reports and media events surrounding the the ten year memorial day of 09-11-01. There will be prayer gatherings, prayer events, memorial services and possibly every church in America will have something to remember this tragic event when over 3000 people lost their lives. This time of prayer and memorializing is to be expected and commended where genuine seeking of God is found. Questions comes to mind. Will this be a temporary time of prayer? Will our nation continue on the path away from Biblical principles and lifestyles? Will this be only a time to commemorate a disaster or will it be a turning form wickedness and turning to God as 2 Chronicles 7:14 admonishes? No, I'm not saying the Twin Towers disaster was a punishment from God but it certainly was a wakeup call for Christians to be sober and diligent in seeking God. This is a time for a great opportunity.
Yes, we have a great opportunity to put forth a challenge in churches all across America since 09-11-11 is on Sunday this year. We have an opportunity to seriously share the need for continuously seeking God. We have an opportunity to share with our children and youth the value and priority of daily seeking God. We have the opportunity of coming to the cross where the blessed Savior died and to the empty tomb where he rose from the dead and is alive forever more. We have the opportunity of coming boldly to the throne of grace where he ever lives to make intercession for us. We have the opportunity to challenge people to seek God, not simply or only on 09-11-11 but every day of our lives. Let's use this opportunity to encourage importunity in prayer - to seek Him every day not just special occasions or memorial days....
Ministry blog site for news and information from Pastors Karen and Milton Gordon of the Waverly Church of God of Prophecy. Offering encouraging, inspirational and challenging posts to the Christian who desires to grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ every day.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Update - Africa Report and Prayer Initiative
We were blessed by the presentation of Stephen James on his mission trip to Africa. He is a young minister seeking God and studying to grow in Christ.
He and I have been meeting and encourageing each other and also discussing and planning a corporate strategic prayer initiative for Waverly and surrounding area. This is not a specific Church of God of Prophecy prayer gathering. It is for all who want to join us in the area. We will meet in a room at the Waverly COGOP or in the auditorium as needed.
We will begin this time of SEEKING GOD on the first Sunday evening in October at 5 pm and each Sunday evening thereafter or as announced. We are using the Scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14 as our emphasis. This prayer time is informal and will be open to anyone for prayer requests, testimonies, sharing scripture and personal struggles and needs. We will be listening to the Holy Spirit and seeking God for divine intervention, true revival and whatever He speaks to us. We will be asking God for forgiveness where we have failed and seeking for humility and repentance. We will focus on the vision and mission of Christ in our communities.
The enemy would make this time seem insignificant but we can be sure that prayer is at the top of the list in spiritual warfare. Though it is a simple effort in that we are not limiting the time, making a program outline or setting certain objectives, it is very profound in that we enter and press forward in this time of praying to humble ourselves, confess and repent of "wicked ways" and seek God's face.
Please join us in this time. If you can't attend please pray with us. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray........"
He and I have been meeting and encourageing each other and also discussing and planning a corporate strategic prayer initiative for Waverly and surrounding area. This is not a specific Church of God of Prophecy prayer gathering. It is for all who want to join us in the area. We will meet in a room at the Waverly COGOP or in the auditorium as needed.
We will begin this time of SEEKING GOD on the first Sunday evening in October at 5 pm and each Sunday evening thereafter or as announced. We are using the Scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14 as our emphasis. This prayer time is informal and will be open to anyone for prayer requests, testimonies, sharing scripture and personal struggles and needs. We will be listening to the Holy Spirit and seeking God for divine intervention, true revival and whatever He speaks to us. We will be asking God for forgiveness where we have failed and seeking for humility and repentance. We will focus on the vision and mission of Christ in our communities.
The enemy would make this time seem insignificant but we can be sure that prayer is at the top of the list in spiritual warfare. Though it is a simple effort in that we are not limiting the time, making a program outline or setting certain objectives, it is very profound in that we enter and press forward in this time of praying to humble ourselves, confess and repent of "wicked ways" and seek God's face.
Please join us in this time. If you can't attend please pray with us. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray........"
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