Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We are thankful at Waverly COGOP to the Lord for the great outpouring of God's presence and manifestation in our service this past Sunday evening. The Burns COGOP RAD Drama Team performed two great dramas portraying our need to be real in our service to the Lord. One young man was in the altar seeking the Lord. God blessed tremendously!

This time of scheduled revival is over but God's presence, power and manifestations are never over. We continue to seek HIM by faith, believing for great things. As our State Overseer, EC McKinley said to me the other day at Men's Retreat, "God is up to something in Waverly." We trust our Savior and Lord. TO HIM BE GLORY BOTH NOW AND FOR EVER!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Season Resurrection Revival Continues

Greetings! What a great day in the Lord!

Waverly Church of God of Prophecy was blessed to have the men residents from the Hope Counseling Center for yesterday's Sunday morning service. We thank the Lord for 65 in attendance. There were approximately 35 from the Hope Center and 30 Waverly folks along with some of their families and visitors.

A highlight of the morning service were the testimonies of Garrett (last name unknown) and Brian. Garrett spoke to us of his time in doing drugs over several years and then overdosing. He was pronounced dead at the emergency room with no pulse for several minutes. He shared of wandering around in a dark area with no one there and coming up to what he described as the gates of Hell. He testified that God brought him back from death and hell and gave him another chance. Garrett brought his mother and aunt to the stage. There was a time of hugging and congratulations as he told how Christ has changed him and he now wants to serve the Lord.

Brian (Peggy Stephenson's nephew, her sister's (Diane Gidcom) son testified of how the Lord brought him out of drugs and has given him another chance. He told of being involved in using meth and also making meth. He also told of how God has changed him since being at the Hope Counseling Center. He also brought his daughters and mother to the stage for a time hugging and congratulations. We also sang happy birthday to Brian and his mother who had or will have birthdays during this week of April.

The residents of the Hope Center go through Christian counseling and are required to follow a regiment while there. The residents attend churches who invite them and some of them share their testimony. The residents are encouraged to find a church to attend and minister in after they exit and/or leave the Hope Center. We were honored to have them visit and our people also prepared a meal for them and all our visitors.

It is my understanding, that the recovery rate for alcohol and drug residents over the whole US population is approximately 30% for all counseling centers. The Hope Center's recovery rate is 58%. The basic thrust of their program is Christ, the Bible and Church.

We thank the Lord for the opportunity to reach out in our community through the Hope Center ministry. David Stephenson connected with the Hope Center and invited them to attend. We thank the Lord for the our people who worked diligently to serve an awesome meal to this number of people.

God delivers! God heals! God saves! "Thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! To God be all the glory!

NOTE: Following are some pictures. . . .apologies for the blurring ones. My photography skills are lacking. The clear ones were taken by my son-in-law, David Parker.
Brother David Stephenson shares his heart and introduces the men who shared their testimony.
My son Jason, daughter Sarah and granddaughter Aviana.
Enjoying the meal and fellowship.
More who enjoyed the meal and fellowship.

Mothers who received a token of appreciation from Sister Peggy Stephenson.
More who enjoyed the food the and fellowship.
Garrett shares his heart and tells how God spared him and delivered him.
My son, Jason, ministering in song.
Sister Susie Hill. The washtub bass playing lady.

More who shared food and fellowhip.
Brian, his mother and daughters.
Son, Jason and grandson, Zaiden.
The congregation.
Starting young. . .
The Washtub Trio. Gene Hill, Susie Hill and some other guy.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Resurrection Revival

Thank the Lord for Easter Sunday. We celebrated the resurrection of Christ with great joy and exuberance. We were glad to see Ronnie, Kathy and their two boys, Austin and Andrew.

We are thankful for a surprise visit from the Lillie Grooms family (her daughter-in-law Peggy, her granddaughter Kim and her two little ones and grandson Kevin and his little one). Sister Grooms was a tremendous blessing when we pastored Huntingdon CGP. We were also blessed by a visit from Charlie Berry and Lois Thomas the previous Sunday.

God's presence was especially close as we remembered the sacrifice of our Lord and his glorious resurrection. We too look forward to that day of resurrection and rapture.

Thank God for the promise. . . .Who (Jesus) shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. Phil 3:20-21 (KJV).

Easter Resurrection Revival Continues. . . Prayers Going up! HALLELUJAH!

Next Sunday (April 11), in morning service, the Waverly CGP is looking forward to and honored to receive 25 residents of the Hope Counseling Center and their families. Our folks will be serving lunch to these guests and others that will be coming.

Next Sunday (April 11), in the evening service at 5 pm, the Waverly CGP is looking forward to and honored to receive the ministry of the Portland CGP Youth Drama Team and guest minister John Cope.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Resurrection Revival

We thank the Lord for a great time of worship and ministry last and Sunday. We were surprised by a visit from Charles Berry and Lois Thomas - our friends from Camden, TN. Sunday evening with Pastor Terry Bear and the Burns (RAD) CGP Drama Team was very uplifting. Their two dramas were on target and presented the gospel in live visual performance. God blessed in a great way.

Tomorrow is Easter and we look forward to another great day of celebration as we remember the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. He is the first fruits of resurrection and we will follow in His likeness as we are led on by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of the Lord.

We have awesome promises in the Word of the Lord. Here is a passage that tells us one of the most glorious promises. Notice what the Apostle writes about our immortal bodies. Won't that be AWESOME??!!!!!

20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: 21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. Phil 3:20-21 (KJV)