Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Resurrection Revival

Thank the Lord for two great revival meetings yesterday. Chris Bohanon shared two very timely and challenging messages. We appreciate visitors from several local churches and the singing of Carolyn McCutcheon, her daughter and granddaughter and also the singing of Angie Eichstaedt. The presence of the Lord was very evident and powerful.

Next Sunday's revival meeting guests are Bishop Eugene Weakley for both services and Burns COGOP RAD Drama team.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Resurrection Revival

(Easter Season: Sunday Revival)

Waverly Church of God of Prophecy
807 Powers Blvd.
Waverly, TN

Proclaiming the Revolutionary Power of the Cross of Christ
Proclaiming the Power of the Resurrection of Christ
Proclaiming the Power of the Glorious Return of Christ

Sunday, March 21st, 11 am & 5 pm
Guest Minister: Chris Bohannon (both services)
Special Singing: Carolyn McCutchen Singers

Sunday March 28, 11 am & 5 pm
Guest Minister: Bishop Eugene Weakley (both services)
Guest Drama Team: RAD Drama Team, Burns COGOP

Sunday April 11, 11 am & 5 pm
Guest Minister 11 am: TBA
Guests: Todd Turpin and Portland COGOP Youth Drama Team (5 pm)
John Cope, Speaker

Sunday April 18, 11 am & 5 pm
Guest Minister(s): TBA

“And when they had prayed. . . . . Acts 4:31a

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Be Still and Know. . . .

There is much noise in this world today. Television, radio, computers, cell phones, automobiles, airplanes, and other technological things of our day create noise and activity. Is it any wonder that we do not hear from God as we should? No, we cannot go back to the middle ages or even the 1800's but we can find that place and time with God to be still and silent and wait to hear His voice and fellowship with Him.

In a recent Bible College course, one of the professors (who is also a pastor) stated that one of the greatest needs for ministers today is to get alone with God and to be still and silent before God - not just a few minutes but for long quality times. This spoke to my heart and I have repented and have been seeking those times with the Creator.

My mind goes back to my early days as a Christian. I was in my late teens (18-19) and had been renewed with the Lord in youth camp after being away from him for several years. I was working in a printing shop in West Nashville, TN. There is much noise and activity in a print shop. Besides that, most of the men and women who worked there were not Christians and there was smutty talk and filthy joking. I had made my commitment to the Lord and was following Him daily but temptations were crowding in on me heavily. The men and women there could not accept that I, who used to be involved in their frivolity, was now transformed. I felt that I must find the time to be alone with God during the day. I only had 30 minutes for lunch. I begin to seek for that place to be alone with God.

Out behind this large printing company was a very small wooden structure. I noticed it one day when I was eating my lunch outside. It was about 50 feet from the back door and close to a railroad track. There was little to no traffic and the tracks were only for unloading the train cars. I went over to this very small structure and the door was ajar. I opened it and there was nothing in this structure of about 4 by 4 feet. The floor was dirt and there was no windows. I opened the door wide enough to see that the area was clear of any creatures. I went in and closed the door behind me. There in a little wooden structure, I found my place and time during the day to be alone, still and silent with my Creator. Many days I went to that place. Sometimes it was for 10 minutes. Sometimes it was for almost 30 minutes. It was the place where God came to me, strengthened me and spoke to me.

O yes, I found other places near my home but that is one place that will always be in my memory as the place where God sustained me, delivered me and simply loved me and fellowshipped with me during some of the most trying and tempting times of my Christian walk. May we find the time, the place and the determination to be alone, be still and silent before God.

The following link goes to a Youtube site that speaks more of this need in our lives. I borrowed it from a friend (Peggy Bell) who posted it on Facebook.

Click on the link below.

Clear The Stage