Monday, July 13, 2009

Funeral Arrangements for Charles Edward Thompson

The following is from Bilbrey Funeral Home web site.

Charles Edward Thompson
Funeral services for Charles Edward Thompson, age 90, of Crossville, TN will be Thursday, July 16, at 10:00 a.m. at Bilbrey Funeral Home. Burial will follow in Green Acres Memory Gardens. The family will receive friends Wednesday, July 15, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Bilbrey Funeral Home. Survivors: Son - Paul Thompson, Grandson - Mike Thompson, Great-grandson - Kaelan Thompson. Bilbrey Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements and professional services.

Officiating ministers are Brother Eddie Kilgore and Brother Milton Gordon

Charles Thompson

Prayer is requested for the Charles Thompson family. He is my mother's (Beatrice Thompson Cathey) oldest Brother of 11 children. He died during the night of July 12. He turned 90 this past April. He is a member of the Crossville Church of God of Prophecy. He is survived by one son, Paul, one grandson Michael, one great grandson, Kalen, one Sister Beatrice, two Brothers, Delano and Denver and many nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements will be posted later.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


The past few days have been days of prayer and meditation. I have been to the woods near the lake to pray and meditate as I slowly walk the two miles. God has met me there and O the joys of being in His presence and hearing his still small voice. God's creation lends to the stilled quietness (deer grazing, mother hen turkeys with their brood scratching and chirping, birds singing, breeze blowing the leaves as the water ripples, fish jumping for their food, all the sights and sound of nature tell me how awesome the Creator is) of His presence and power. What a joy to know Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father as the Holy Spirit shows more and more of the things of Christ. . .yes. . .to me. . .and He will to all who come to Him hungry and thirsty.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Posting continues to be minimal and we continue to seek the Lord's direction in ministry. We have attended the Old Hickory Church most of the time the past three months. God has opened a door and we are praying and seeking Him. The desire to minister (Karen and I) has not diminished but grown stronger. There are lost ones and God's sheep that need ministering to.

We learned this past week of a sudden death of one of the members at my home church (Burns, TN, Church of God of Prophecy). Jaqueline Cathey's (maiden name) husband died suddenly of a heart attack. Our prayers are with this family.

There are many prayer requests. The Scriptures teach us to pray for all men - for those in authority and for leaders in all arenas of life. The TN Church of God of Prophecy State Convention will be in progress beginning next Friday, July 10th. State Overseer, Bishop E. C. McKinley requests prayer for this bi-ennial event. Other states and regions are having conventions as well and all of these desire prayer. There will be many on the roads traveling who need traveling mercies.

Karen continues in her program of studying for the Master's of Education degree and I am at a standstill in the Doctor of Ministry degree and need to get focused and back into the studies. We are more focused in prayer and waiting on God at this time for His direction in ministry