Tuesday, March 31, 2009


When you know everything is in God's hand, you don't have any problem leaving everthing in his hands. Source Unknown

King of Kings

In a few days there will be a summit of leaders in England called the G-20 Summit. Leaders from several nations will join together to try to come to some understanding of what needs to be done with the economic problems of the world today. Some feel that this summit will bring the needed answer to these economic problems. Leaders do their best or least should try to do their best. United States President, Barak Obama, is expected to be one of the key figures in this summit and is expected to offer his profound input into this summit. People often look to these leaders with anticipation and expectations that go far beyond what humans can do. Citizens of these nations certainly want them to do the best that they can but they are limited. There is ONE who is not limited. There is ONE we should look to in these times - the King of kings, Jesus Christ.

People are troubled by failing jobs and price increases. Along with failing jobs are losses of houses, health benefits and feelings of temporal security. One person I know, who is a faithful Christian, works where the number of employees has dropped from 100 to 10 and the person is working three days a week. When times get rough materially, people often begin to look to someone for answers. Again, people often look to these leaders with anticipation and expectations that go far beyond what humans can do. Yet, we know assuredly that we can look to the King of kings and have the assurance that is needed. He is the supplier of all our needs, including temporal and, best of all, spiritual and eternal. The children of Israel were given this assurance many times when he led them out of bondage and slavery. They were led by the power of God and Moses their chosen leader, but often found themselves in dire need. Yet, God came through for them over-and-over, again-and-again.

God met their needs many times, yet they continued to complain and even wanted to go back where God had brought them from. They would cry to God and He would deliver them. Then they would go back into their ways of sinning and desiring things of this world. Their backsliding and crying to God again-and-again became unbearable to God. God always wanted to lead them through his chosen leader (judge or prophet) but at one point in their history they cried for a king like other nations. God allowed them to have a king but this was not His desire. The Prophet Hosea declared, ". . .long ago I gave you a king, but I wasn't happy about it. Now, fed up, I've gotten rid of him." (Hosea 13:11, The Message) No president, king, or head of any nation can give the answer to the needs of this world today. The King of kings is the answer and has the answers for each one of us today.

Even though God became angry with Israel, He still wanted them to come back to Him. Hosea continues, "O Israel, come back! Return to your God! You're down but you're not out. Prepare your confession and come back to God. Pray to him, 'Take away our sin, accept our confession. Receive as restitution our repentant prayers.' " (Hosea 14:1, 2 The Message) After all the times they had backslidden and treated God with contempt, He still pleaded for their repentant return. God wants us to return to Him. He wants us to acknowledge and accept the King of kings, his Son as our only answer for the needs we have.

Sure, we pray for our leaders and want God to help them make the best decisions but ultimately we must look to the King of kings. What are you fearing today? What are your temporal needs today? What are your spiritual needs? Do you need prayer? Do you want prayer? Do you need someone to talk to and offer prayer for your needs. If so, leave your prayer request or comment and prayer will be offered to the King of kings. Best of all, you can talk to the King of kings. His door is open to all who will enter His presence with humbleness and gratitude. He not only is the the King of kings, he is the best friend to each one who desires Him. HE IS THE ANSWER!